Thursday, December 30, 2010

So I'm starting a new blog...

After a major fail with my first blog (it's been nearly a year since my last update)... I decided to start a new one. My last blog was an attempt to keep people updated on Silas... but that turned into one update ever 4-5 months or so and that turned into something that took way too much time. I'm hoping this blog will focus on both Silas and myself... and hopefully give me a place to write about the adventures of single parenting.

So to give you a brief update on Silas, he turned 2 earlier this month... and when I say he turned 2 I mean he turned TERRIBLE 2! Ok, so he's not THAT bad... but his temper tantrums have definitely become more frequent and more intense. This kid gets so upset that he finds it necessary to vomit! Anyways, as his temper tantrums increase my patience decreases... but luckily I have some wonderful parents that help me out which makes it easier for me to keep my cool.

I know it seems like I'm starting off with complaining about my little man... but honestly he is overall a great kid. Here is a brief list of things you might like to know about the little guy.
*He's tall.
*He can throw balls like he's ready for the pros (hopefully football instead of baseball) ;)
*He has the funniest facial expressions... my favorite is when he cuts his eyes to the side when you ask him a question that he doesn't want to answer! (I'll try to get a picture of this)
*We recently found out that he's allergic to eggs and peanuts.
*The kid will eat ANYTHING! (including the play doh that he was playing with earlier this evening)
*He has had quite a few haircuts... his hair grows FAST and it is thick too!

Ok, so that's a good list for now... I'll save more for next time I post which hopefully won't be too long from now!

Ok, so before I end this post I absolutely have to share this picture! As I was looking through pictures to pick one out for this post I came across a picture that was taken Monday night when we went to the Opryland Hotel in Nashville to see the lights. Maybe I'm just seeing what I want to see but it looks to me like Silas looks JUST LIKE ME! For those of you who may not know my situation, Silas' dad is not in the picture at all (his choice, not mine)... so it makes me feel warm inside to see that my little man looks just like me! :)


  1. he is your TWIN!!! zach says he looks just like nathan too.

  2. So I'm needing you to get busy updating....and fix that ridiculous blue stripe @ the top! haha...just wanted to give you a hard time :) LOVE YOU!

  3. Again....still waiting for an update :)
